
Seven Habits (to Break) of Highly Effective People


During these tough financial times, many people feel they have to push themselves to unhealthy levels in order to succeed. But high-pressure jobs and long hours take a real toll on their immediate and future health. Whether running for president, moving up the corporate ladder, or juggling the family's activities, success may come at a hefty cost.
The 7 worst habits of these workaholics include:

1. Forgetting to relax: Some stress can be good because it keeps you alert and motivated; too much stress, however, will take its toll on your body.
2. Eating on the go: Who has time to sit down for a healthy lunch? But beware of frozen meals, fast, and processed food that can be high in sodium, calories, and fat.
3. Putting off sleep for work: Lack of sleep can cause irritability, difficulty concentrating, memory problems, poor judgment, and obesity.
4. Not making time for exercise: Humans were not designed to sit at desks for 8 hours a day. Exercise has been shown to reduce the risk for nearly every major disease and to help fight anxiety and depression.
5. Working when sick: 3 common-sense reasons to stay home: avoid spreading the infection, you'll be less productive, and you need your rest to get better.
6. Drinking (too much): Moderate alcohol consumption has some proven health benefits, but excessive drinking can lead to alcoholism, liver disease, and some forms of cancer.
7. Skipping annual medical checkups: Depending on age, family history, and lifestyle, a comprehensive medical checkup and special screenings is recommended every 1 to 5 years.

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