

Hoje partilho a versão em inglês de um texto que escrevi em 2007, durante a discussão acerca da liberalização do aborto em Portugal até às 10 semanas de gestação, por vontade da mulher. Dirigido à população em geral, sintetiza dez argumentos que podem ser invocados em defesa da vida humana desde a conceção.


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights affirms that “Everyone has the right to life” (article 3). The Constitution of the Portuguese Republic declares, as well, that “human life is inviolable” (article 24).
According to science, human life begins with fertilization, the fusion of sperm and oocyte. Each of the sexual cells carries half the genetic information from the ancestor, so that the cell resulting from fertilization, called zygote, receives all the genetic information needed for the development of the new human being.
Induced abortion, regardless of when it is done, always causes the destruction of a human life, to whom continued development is denied, preventing their birth and the expression of their potential as a child and adult.
Thus, any referendum or decree that legitimizes the death of a defenseless human being without any medical justification, is a clear attack on human life, and violates the Portuguese Constitution as well as the human being basic rights, as expressed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


Whatever the reasons that cause it any abortion, even when legal, is an assault on the woman's physical, mental and emotional health. Nowadays it is known that any woman who aborts voluntarily, even in the best medically assisted conditions, has an increased risk of injury to the reproductive system, infertility, posterior spontaneous abortions, premature babies in later pregnancies, and other problems. More difficult to quantify, but no less important, are the consequences for her mental health, namely depression, feelings of guilt and/or loss, drug abuse and even suicide. The Comission of Inquiry into the Operation and Consequences of the Abortion Act drew attention in 1994 to one of the consequences of liberalized abortion in the UK: “Although the majority of abortions are carried out on the grounds of danger to the mother’s mental health, there is no psychiatric justification for abortion (…). To perform abortions on this ground (…) also puts women at risk of suffering a psychiatric disturbance, without alleviating any psychiatric problems that already exist”.
Moreover, the liberalization of abortion, instead of valuing the wishes of the child’s mother, can expose her to pressures from relatives, the child's father, employers, or even healthcare professionals (for example because of an alleged risk of malformations in the embryo or fetus, which many times are not confirmed later) to interrupt the pregnancy, even against her will.


Abortion cannot be reduced to an act that only involves the woman. There are at least two other fundamental elements in the whole process: the child's father and, obviously, the unborn baby.
If we consider only the woman’s desire to continue, or not, with the pregnancy, the man is pushed into the background and his wishes are completely ignored, yet he is co-responsible for the conception. In this way his role in the process of procreation is devalued. Despite the fact that sometimes man does not assume his responsibility in the family, through the allowance of abortion-on-demand, the child’s father’s duties are completely discarded.
Nowadays it is known that men can also suffer from post-abortion depression, especially when such an act is carried through without their awareness and permission.


In the famous Hippocratic Oath (4th century B.C.), which doctors have sworn to obey throughout the centuries, it is clearly stated: “I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy” Thus, we vehemently condemn the idea that “women have the right to their bodies”, if that supposed right collides with principles that we consider absolutes, such as the right to life of the unborn child who already has a unique genetic identity, distinct from his/her parents.
In countries where abortion is no longer condemned by law, human beings are exposed to a higher risk of violent death in the first nine months of their existence than in any other period of their lives. The womb, which should be the supreme place of protection for human life has become tragically, in the last decades, one of the most dangerous. Moreover it is known that when children find out that their mother have had an abortion in another pregnancy, may develop problems that require psychological or psychiatric support.


Children are an integrant and meaningful part of the family, which is one of the basic structures of societies. The emphasis that is given to the woman’s autonomy over her pregnancy harms marital and family relationships. Actually, more than 80% of induced abortions are the consequence of extramarital affairs.
It is also known that a significant percentage of unplanned pregnancies and even unwanted ones, when not interrupted, lead to the birth of children who end up being extremely appreciated and loved by their parents.
On the other hand, preventing the birth of children through abortion contributes to the serious demographic problem resulting from the dramatic reduction of the birth rate in many western countries. This is happening in Portugal now and will bring harmful economic and social consequences.


It is an unquestionable fact that, due to the influence of Christianity, throughout the history of humankind abortion has been considered a crime, subject to penalties. However, in the last decades we have witnessed a trend of undervaluing human life.
On a personal level, the feelings of guilt that an induced abortion causes in the woman who aborts, as well as in the person who performs it are undeniable. Such fact is due to the human conscience that every human being has, which helps them make moral decisions. There is a French proverb that says: "There is no pillow so soft as a clear conscience”.


The Judeo-Christian moral tradition has always been concerned with protecting those who are weaker and more vulnerable, as is the case of children, orphans, the elderly and widows. Abortion is never a dignifying solution for those who perform it, the woman who submits herself to it, and least of all for the innocent child.
We agree with the opinion report from the Portuguese National Committee of Ethics for Life Sciences (1996) about embryo experimentation which says that “Human life deserves respect, whatever its stage or phase, due to its essential dignity”.
It is also an unquestionable fact that the number of abortions increased, sometimes exponentially, in all the countries where abortion is no longer condemned by law.


In many western countries, the liberalization of induced abortion has hindered the birth of children with chromosome anomalies, of which trissomy 21 (Down’s syndrome) is the most frequent, as well as with congenital malformations perfectly compatible with life, and many of them with possible post-birth surgery correction, such as cleft lip or clubfoot. More serious and even more complex situations, such as certain cardiac malformations can be treated surgically as well, sometimes even before birth.
The abortion of these children contributes to the depreciation and discrimination of people who have sensorial, motor and/or cognitive disabilities, who despite their limitations live adjusted and fulfilling lives.


Abortion, infanticide, suicide and even euthanasia were relatively common and socially accepted in the Greco-Roman ancient world. Induced abortion often caused the death of the mother. In the 4th century B.C. Hippocrates of Cos, with his Oath, imposed a break with the culture of death which prevailed in those days. Later, due to the influence of Christianity on the Law, abortion came to be considered a crime in the western world. From then on the ethical rule, throughout the centuries, has been to defend human life from conception on. Thus induced abortion is against ethics, because it collides with the basic principle of the inviolability of human life.
In the extremely rare cases in which the continuation of pregnancy puts the mother's life at risk and abortion is the only way to save her, the previous Portuguese law already made allowances.


Besides all the previously mentioned reasons, we consider abortion to be a clear violation of God's will, as revealed in the Holy Scriptures. The fifth commandment precisely declares: "You shall not murder" (Exodus 20:13).
In the Bible we find the unequivocal revelation that God values human life from conception on and that He is involved in the procreative process, as we read in the following text, written by King David:
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”        (Psalm 139:13-16 NIV)



“Para um perinatologista, não há um fosso entre o feto e o recém-nascido. O feto é um recém-nascido que ainda não nasceu, o recém-nascido é um feto que acabou de nascer. Trata-se na verdade do mesmo cidadão, a quem deveriam ser conferidos, antes e depois do nascimento, direitos iguais”.

(Prof. Ramos de Almeida)



Após a quadra festiva, parece-me oportuno alertar para o problema da obesidade, a quem chamam a epidemia do século XXI.

Como se determina ou diagnostica a obesidade e a pré-obesidade?
A obesidade e a pré-obesidade são avaliadas pelo Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC). Este índice mede a corpulência, que se determina dividindo o peso (quilogramas) pela altura (metros), elevada ao quadrado.  Segundo a Organização Mundial de Saúde, considera-se que há excesso de peso quando o IMC é igual ou superior a 25 e que há obesidade quando o IMC é igual ou superior a 30.
No entanto, em certos casos, nomeadamente nos atletas, nos indivíduos com edemas e com ascite, o IMC não é fiável na medição da obesidade, pois não permite distinguir a causa do excesso de peso.

Qual é o tratamento adequado para a obesidade?

O tratamento médico para a obesidade passa pela combinação de dieta de baixas calorias, modificação comportamental, e aumento da atividade física. Quando com a modificação do estilo de vida não se consegue atingir os objectivos é necessário o uso de fármacos anti-obesidade.
O problema deste tipo de tratamento ou abordagem é a incapacidade de muitos doentes obesos perderem peso ou manterem o peso anteriormente perdido. Nos casos de obesidade grave - IMC superior ou igual a 40 kg/m2 ou superior a 35 com morbilidade - que tenham pelo menos cinco anos de evolução da sua obesidade e múltiplos tratamentos médicos ineficazes, a cirurgia pode ser recomendada.

Que tipo de benefícios se pode esperar com a perda de peso?

A perda de peso, mantida a longo prazo, é fundamental. São inúmeros os benefícios que acarreta para a saúde em geral e para a melhoria da qualidade de vida. Reduz, igualmente, a mortalidade e contribui inexoravelmente para a melhoria das doenças crónicas associadas. Pequenas perdas de peso (diminuição de cinco a dez por cento do peso inicial) melhoram o controlo glicémico, reduzem a tensão arterial e os níveis de colesterol.
Sentirá também menos dificuldades respiratórias, benefícios na apneia do sono e na sonolência diurna, bem como nos problemas osteoarticulares (variáveis em função da lesão).

Qual é o impacto da perda de peso na doença cardiovascular e hipertensão arterial?

A perda de peso reduz o risco cardiovascular, pelos efeitos positivos na redução da tensão arterial e nos processos de hipercoagulação. Nesta melhoria tem grande influência o tipo de regime alimentar adoptado (restrição do sal e gorduras saturadas), a atividade física e a abolição de hábitos tabágicos. A perda de peso intencional reduz a mortalidade nos obesos com doença cardiovascular associada.

Qual é o impacto da perda de peso em crianças e adolescentes obesos?

A perda de três por cento do peso corporal diminui, de forma significativa, a tensão arterial nos adolescentes obesos. Se o programa de emagrecimento incluir exercício físico, as melhorias nos níveis de tensão são mais acentuadas. A perda de peso contribui, também, para reduzir os níveis plasmáticos de triglicéridos e de insulina, bem como para aumentar o colesterol HDL, de modo proporcional à percentagem da perda de peso.
No caso de crianças e adolescentes com diabetes do tipo 2 (habitualmente a do adulto obeso), a perda de peso, embora difícil, é mais eficaz na melhoria do controlo glicémico quando o regime alimentar foi reduzido em hidratos de carbono. A melhoria é também evidente nos casos de esteatose hepática (fígado gordo) e resulta da redução do hiperinsulinismo e do aumento da sensibilidade à insulina.

Onde dirigir-se para diagnosticar e tratar a obesidade?

Ao médico de família no seu centro de saúde. Compete ao médico avaliar o tipo de obesidade e referenciá-lo, se necessário, para as consultas hospitalares de obesidade.




No início de um ano para o qual as previsões económicas são desfavoráveis, partilho a história de solidariedade e determinação de Ryan Hreljac. Trata-se de um jovem canadiano que em 1998, com apenas 6 anos de idade, apercebendo-se das necessidades de muitas crianças africanas que não tinham acesso a água potável, mobilizou familiares, amigos e muitas pessoas de boa vontade para o levantamento de fundos que permitissem a construção de um poço numa aldeia do Uganda. Vinte anos mais tarde, continua empenhado neste projecto que, através da Fundação que dirige (Ryan's Well Foundation), já viabilizou a construção de mais de 600 poços e projetos sanitários em 16 países, a maioria na África subsariana.

Como disse Winston Churchill (1874-1965), “Ganhamos a vida através do que recebemos, fazemos vida através do que damos”.